Being the first to pioneer the idea of free distribution publications in Asia, one of their main products was HK Magazine - a free weekly english magazine in Hong Kong that offers discussions on social issues as well as entertainment, music and restaurant listings and recommendations on the latest trends.
During the 3 weeks, I was put into the position of a Graphic Design intern in the production team who were in charge of Hk Magazine. The work varied from editorial design to idea generation. Some examples of work produced during my stay there://
The first task that I was assigned:- draw the map of Hong Kong island that would be considered to be used for a new brochure aimed at tourists to Hong Kong. I've never really drawn maps before so this was pretty new to me. It wasn't too hard, just tedious and required so much patience! The only difficult thing was researching and deciding which roads to emphasise more and which ones to just ignore. The colour scheme was also quite frustrating, I was told to come up with a new colour swatch that they would use for all their maps in the future, the tricky thing was that it needed to fit in with the prototype brochure, which restricted the designs. Anyway, these maps took me AGES, but looked pretty good in the end i guess.

Some visuals on idea generation for a a re-brand on another magazine called The List - a free monthly publication aimed at the female population.